12 Lessons I've learned 1st Quarter now turned into 2nd Quarter Fuel!

12 Lessons I've learned 1st Quarter now turned into 2nd Quarter Fuel!

Monday Motivation l 1st Quarter Top 10 Lessons

Happy April 1st and 2nd quarter Business Mavens!!!!!! ( Maven- defined as a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass timely and relevant knowledge on to others in the respective field.) Yes, today is April fools Day, but we have No Time for games!

Below you will find 10 lessons I’ve learned in both business & my personal life, that I am excited to share and hope they assist you along your journey. Please comment & let me know your thoughts!

I am not sure about how your first quarter went, but mines was filled with new opportunities, epipanies, setbacks & rediscoveries about myself, others & the life “I am planning” as I approach 31 ahhhhh.


  1. STARTING THE NEW YEAR I CREATED MY GOAL ACCOMPLISHED JAR for both personal & business - Whenever the year of the year rolls around I always find myself asking myself “What did I accomplish this year?” And I sit there and think of a few things, but always know I am missing more. So, that stops this year with the help of this jar!

  2. I looked over my finances from last year and reevaluate the necessary changes of how & where my money goes. I got SAVING goals that I plan to hit! (Blog post coming this Friday on Money, Saving & Budgeting, stay tuned!


  4. A book a month makes me happy- I love a good book, who doesn’t? I like to read and want to challenge myself with a book a month along with switching the theme of it. For ex business, spiritual, mental, etc ( Will introduce April’s book of the month and hope you join me on this read especially because at the end of the month we will have a in person meet up & discussion on it)

  5. People change and thats okay - We are not meant to stay the same & neither are our relationships (Friends/loves/Family) But if we want it we must work at it, communicate, & nurture it. Do not stay connected with people who take your energy and do not fuel you up, its not good for your mental or physical health.

  6. Learn to say no if it doesn’t add to your life & growth! Life is busy enough so make sure you use your time wisely!

  7. Home is where the heart is, so make it your slice of Heven - I have had roommates for many years trying to look out and help others out. But by nature (Cancer, July 2nd) I am a home body and love it. As I finally reclaim my space with my love I am super excited about decorating and having mini gatherings. So be on the look out for home decor post!

  8. Make time for Friends & family. Be there for those who matter! Find out what being there for them actually means to them & try to live up to it if the relationship is worth it. Also remember to celebrate their wins with them!

  9. Eat good, take control & have fun! - I realized a lot of my money went to food shopping, eating out & takeout…..I know we have to eat to live, but I know I can do better so going into this quarter I will work on meal prepping, weekly menus & continually making miracles in the kitchen just on a tighter & tastier budget I hope!

  10. Make a list of things to try seasonally and start crossing it off! And remember not everything has to be done with someone/a group. Learn to enjoy solo time! (Ill be posting my Spring list soon enough, & can’t wait to see yours!

  11. Routines are everything - Create a morning & night routine! Its a game & time saver!

  12. Spirituality - Decide what Is best for you and make it consistent!

***Going into 2nd quarter I feel more confident, tunnel vision & ready to accomplish these goals & changes as I know it only adds to my bigger picture and my journey of greatness***


  1. Reevaluate where you currently are & where you want to be along with what worked and or didn’t work last year. If possible create a Vision Board something you can look at daily!

  2. Determine your strength & weakness! Pull in help when and where needed - Once I did this it allowed me to focus on finding the proper help to pull in and where to focus my energy. For ex I have multiple projects always going on so learning to delegate will save me time, stress & energy.

  3. Clean up your online presence & Reorganize all paperwork - I am a hoarder by nature so this is a must for me all the time.

  4. Control your calendar & don’t let it control you & Check your calendar before saying yes

  5. Communication is key

  6. Determine systems

  7. Followup with people & stay in touch with people who were there for you

  8. Know where your money goes, how/when it comes in & saving some

  9. Take calculated risk - ex workbar space

  10. Find/create a tribe - its important to talk with like minded individuals because unfortunately a lot of none entrepreneurs just don’t get it.

  11. Its okay to take breaks, just bounce back strong.

  12. Be open to others & do not surround yourself with “yes” people.

Please share your thoughts/comments on anything I posted and or how your 1st quarter when and what goals you have for 2nd quarter. Also if you want a free consult call for your business or you as a model please click HERE. I hope to connect with you soon either on or off line! Appreciate you tons & have a blessed day!

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